Have you ever wondered how to sound like a native Serbian speaker? While there are many answers to this question, one stands out: Learn the Serbian slang!

Mastering grammar and vocabulary is not the sole task in language acquisition – it’s much more about immersing yourself in the culture and the heartbeat of its people. Serbia is a country with a rich history and diverse influences, so it offers a colorful linguistic landscape with many slang expressions.

Serbian landscape, house on Drina
True, it is not a linguistic one, but it is a colorful Serbian landscape!

We should not forget to mention that Serbian slang is also very passionate. Consequently, the words listed below don’t fully reveal their potential without adequate context. First, we will explain them, put them into the proper context, and then help you sound like a native Serbian speaker.


Yes, Brat (Brate meaning “Brother” or “Hey Dude”) signifies a blood relative in Serbian, as well as in English, but depending on the speaker’s intonation, Brate can mean different things.

Here are a couple of situations that best illustrate its usage:

#1 When greeting someone

Two acquaintances meet on the street:

  • Ej brate, gde si? Šta ima? (= Hey brother, where are you? What’s up?)
  • Nema ništa, brate. Obavljam neke poslove. Kako si ti? (= Nothing here, brother. I’m doing some work. How are you?)

Disclaimer: In such a conversation, don’t be surprised if the interlocutor continues without waiting for an answer. This is just a greeting, not a real deep conversation and is not considered impolite.

Tip: This is helpful when you can’t remember someone’s name. In Serbia, calling others Brate is normal, even if you have never met them before. It’s the art of Serbian communication!

#2 When we are surprised by someone or something

  • I onda je on zalupio vratima. Tek tako. (= And then he slammed the door just like that.)
  • Brate! (= Brother!) (Often accompanied by a wide-eyed look)
  • Znam! Možeš li da veruješ? (= I know! Can you imagine?)

Another Serbian slang expression used when we want to show our delight or amazement is A jeste! meaning “Really!”.


Bre meaning is more challenging to explain and find the correct translation in English. It is a Serbian slang word with no meaning of its own, and as such, no single word in the English language can be used for its direct or indirect translation. Instead, when you use Bre in a sentence, it can change the tone of the whole sentence or emphasize the word or phrase that comes before or after it.

  • Ajde bre! Vs Ajde! (= Come on, already! Vs Come on!)


Girl on telephone talking Serbian slang
Ajde is an inevitable part of any informal conversation.

Ajde (Ajde meaning “Come on” in English) is a word that encourages action. Still, in the Serbian language, it is also used as a word that indicates agreement with something or, more often, as the conclusion of a telephone conversation or a regular one face-to-face. It may be akin to “OK”, “Deal”, or even “See ya” in English.

  • Hoćemo danas da idemo na utakmicu? (= Do you want to go to the game today?)
  • Važi, gde da se nađemo? (= OK, where will we meet?)
  • U osam kod trga. (= At eight near the square.)
  • Ajde. (= OK.)
  • Ajde. (= Deal. / See ya.)


Top or Vrh (Vrh meaning a top like the peak of a mountain) in Serbian slang is used to express liking something with just one word.

  • Kupila sam ovu haljinu za rođendansku žurku u petak. (= I bought this dress for a birthday party next Friday.)
  • Top! (= Great! / Amazing!)


Serbian teenagers, and now even older Serbs, use the word Smor (Smor meaning “boredom”) in a couple of situations.

#1 To express that something is boring:

  • Sutra moram da idem po dokumenta. (= I have to pick up all the documents tomorrow.)
  • E smor. (= So boring.)
Serbian dog bored, smor meaning
You can tell that someone else also knows the meaning.

#2 To express feelings for some entirely pointless situations

  • Umesto da završim posao za pola sata, sad moram da čekam šefa do ko zna kad. (= Instead of finishing the job in half an hour, now I have to wait for the boss for God knows how long.)
  • Koji smor. (= What a bummer.)


Iskuliraj (Iskuliraj meaning “Take a break” or “Relax”) is a Serbian slang term that can be used in different situations.

#1 As one of the main tips when telling someone to rest or not get upset

  • Previše obaveza danas, baš sam se umorila. (= I have too many obligations today; I’m exhausted. )
  • Pa iskuliraj malo. (= Well, take a break.)

#2 To tell someone that something they do or say annoys us.

  • Nije trebalo to da uradiš tako. (= You shouldn’t do that.)
  • Iskuliraj. (= Leave me alone.)


opušteno as a way of living
Opušteno is a state od mind.

Opušteno (Opušteno meaning “Relax”) is another expression that Serbian people use when telling someone not to feel upset or nervous about something.

  • Izvini, ne stižem danas da se vidimo, može sutra? (= Sorry, I can’t make it today to see you, maybe tomorrow?)
  • Opušteno, može sutra, ne brini. (= OK, tomorrow is fine, don’t worry.)

Disclaimer: It can also be used ironically when telling someone everything is fine, but we are not thrilled with their actions.

  • Izvini, ne stižem danas da se vidimo, može sutra? (= Sorry, I can’t make it today to see you, maybe tomorrow?)
  • Opušteno. (= OK.)

We assume that you can feel the difference. 🙂 To avoid such a tricky situation, it might be better to pick up a few tricks to ensure the perfect date!


Although Alo (Alo meaning “Hello“) can be the first word during a telephone conversation, when it comes to Serbian slang Alo! with all the exclamation mark usually indicates some warning. And this will be much clearer in the proper context:

  • Alo, šta to radiš?! (= Hey, what do you think you were doing?!)

Ma jok!

The favorite Serbian slang that is used when someone really fails in their judgment is Jok (Jok meaning is closest to english “Of course not” or “No way”) or, even more drastically Ma jok!

  • Zar on nije oduvek želeo da živi u Švedskoj? (= Hadn’t he always wanted to live in Sweden?)
  • Ma jok! (= Of course not!)

Ide gas

The newest and currently favorite slang phrase of Serbian youth when they want to show their enthusiasm during an event is Ide gas (Ide gas meaning “Let’s go” or “Come on”).

  • Sledeće nedelje se organizuju tri koncerta na Tašmajdanu! (= Three concerts are organized on Tasmajdan next week!)
  • Ide gas! (= Let’s gooo!)
Serbian concerts
Did you know that Serbia is famous for its festivals and parties?

And now, after all these Serbian slang terms…

You are ready to communicate like a real Serb!

If you want to practice these expressions with teachers who are native Serbian speakers and learn even more about Serbian slang, you can easily schedule your first Serbian online lesson. Of course, this is only a small segment of an exciting path that is learning the Serbian language.