Written by: Milica Bokšan

Everyone who wants to learn about Serbian culture or the Serbian language should first understand some aspects of Serbian mentality.

Of course, every country and its people have their own more or less obvious characteristics.

You probably don’t want to feel confused when you visit Serbia or come into contact with Serbs, so let’s explain some of the most important characteristics of the Serbian mentality!

Serbian Mentality: a Compliment or an Insult?

serbian mentality balkan mentality confused girl laptop
If you currently look like this, just keep reading. 🙂

Before we start, we have to tell you that ’Serbian mentality’ or ’Balkan mentality’ can be a very confusing term.

That’s because you can use it as a compliment and an insult.

When it comes to inat or some prosaic thoughts with prejudices, we can say: ‘Pravi si Srbenda‘ or ‘Pravi si Balkanac‘. And, yes, that insult often comes from other Serbs or people from other Balkan countries. 🙂

On the other hand, one of the biggest compliments Serbs can give you is ‘Ovaj je naš‘. This sentence is characterized by cordiality and means we are on the same wavelength.

#1 Serbian Mentality: Hospitality

One of the most defining characteristics of Serbian mentality is the overwhelming sense of hospitality.

Serbian hospitality is legendary in the region. When you visit a Serbian home, you should not be surprised if the host offers you food, drinks, and even a place to sleep.

Let’s use Serbian weddings as an example. These are usually huge celebrations with 150 or more guests, and it’s not rare that some guests must travel from other parts of Serbia or even from other countries (the Serbian diaspora is huge) to attend the wedding.

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Serbs adore celebrations!

So, most often, the newlyweds’ families will make sure that travellers have somewhere to sleep and get ready for the wedding day!

This spirit of generosity is not limited to family and close friends but extends to strangers. Of course, that doesn’t mean you can just show up at someone’s door and expect the hotel service. 😀

This type of hospitality is an integral part of Serbian identity, rooted in tradition.

Historically, Serbia has faced numerous wars and occupations, and a sense of solidarity and mutual support was essential for survival.

This mutual care for others has persisted through generations, creating a society where helping those in need is one of the main characteristics.

#2 Serbian Mentality: ’Srdačnost’

The term srdačnost is often used to describe things such as hospitality.

We can roughly translate srdačnost as “cordiality” or “friendliness,” but its meaning actually goes deeper.

In Serbia, it’s not weird if you bring cake for your hairdresser or have a pleasant talk with a taxi driver. Also, if you find yourself on the road and have car troubles, it’s a matter of seconds before random passersby will come over to help you push your car to start.

#3 Serbian Mentality: The Importance of Family

At the heart of the Serbian mentality lies the huge importance of family.

People in Serbia try to nurture not just relationships in the immediate family but also extended family relations.

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Most Serbs spend the holiday season with their families.

You can learn more about Serbian family and family traditions in one of our previous blog posts!

#4 Serbian Mentality: Serbian Humor

Serbs are known for their sharp wit and humor when it comes to coping with difficult situations. Humor is often used to reduce tension and help people overcome difficult moments.

It’s not uncommon to hear Serbs joke about the hard times they have faced, using humor to reclaim control over situations that might otherwise feel overwhelming.

This humor is often part of jokes, sarcastic comments, or anecdotes about the absurdities of everyday life.

Besides spending time with locals, the best way to get acquainted with Serbian humor is to watch some iconic Serbian films such as:

  • Kad porastem biću Kengur (When I Grow Up, I’ll Be a Kangaroo)
  • Munje! (translated as: Dudes)
  • Mi nismo anđeli (We Are Not Angels)
  • Pljačka Trećeg Rajha (The Robbery of the Third Reich)

There’s a huge IMDb list of Serbian comedies.

#5 Serbian Mentality: Politics

Having lived through centuries of foreign rule and occupation, Serbs tend to be sceptical of power and authority.

This scepticism is often reflected in their interactions with politicians, government institutions, and the political establishment in general.

Revealing Serbian Mentality: 7 Main Characteristics You Must Know | Belgrade Language School |
Politics is an inevitable topin at Serbian gatherings.

However, this doesn’t mean that Serbs lack patriotism or national pride. On the contrary, they are deeply proud of their history, culture, and achievements!

One of the most common topics at Serbian gatherings is politics. Those who know ’everything’ and those who know ‘nothing’ get involved in the debate, and both sides are convinced that they are right.

If you find yourself in that situation, the best advice we can give you is to just wait for the next topic without interference. 🙂

#6 Serbian Mentality: Patriotism and National Pride

Patriotism runs deep in Serbian mentality.

Despite the country’s relatively small size and history of ups and downs, Serbs are very proud of their nation, its history, and its cultural contributions to the world.

This national pride can be seen in various aspects of everyday life.

In every part of Serbia, you can see monuments dedicated to significant Serbian people, such as Emperor Dušan or Nikola Tesla.

There are also celebrations of national holidays and remembrance of key events like the Battle of Kosovo.

The concept of otadžbina (= homeland) is central to the Serbian identity. Serbs often show deep loyalty to their country, regardless of political, economic, or social challenges.

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Đura Jakšić – famous Serbian poet and author of the poem Otadžbina. Source: Kaleidoskop – media

This loyalty to the country and traditions is connected to the collective memory of past struggles, both triumphs and tragedies.

It is actually a way to responsibility to preserve and defend heritage.

#7 Serbian Mentality: The Balance Between Tradition and Modernity

In urban areas of Serbia, like bigger cities, there is a noticeable shift towards modernization.

Young Serbs, particularly those living in cities like Belgrade, Novi Sad, and Niš, increasingly embrace global trends.

People frequently engage with global trends, travel abroad, and embrace foreign influences in music, fashion, art, and technology. It’s not uncommon for young people to speak more than one foreign language.

Serbs value progress and innovation but are also very protective of their culture and way of life. This duality can be seen in everything from the blending of traditional music with modern genres to the fusion of traditional Serbian cuisine with international dishes.

Although older generations may say that people today are alienated, people in Serbia still find time to socialize and spend time with each other despite their fast-paced lifestyles.

Let’s Sum Up!

It takes a lot of research and time spent with the people to get a complete picture of a nation’s mentality.

But, if you are interested in other aspects of the Serbian mentality, you can find many interesting texts on our website and upgrade your knowledge!

Or maybe you’re ready to learn how to speak like a local? Then, it’s time to schedule your Serbian lessons online!